Our military men and women make great sacrifices so we can continue to enjoy the freedom that is uniquely American. When you make and donate handmade items you are sending a message to our deployed troops that you appreciate what they do.
We have A list!!
We’ve complied a list of places to donate handmade items. These organizations sort and ship care packages to our military that include handmade items.
Always check to make sure they are still accepting handmade items before sending. Consider sending a monetary donation to help cover some of the cost of sorting and shipping.
Operation Gratitude provides care packages filled with items donated by people who want to express their support for heroes serving overseas and here at home.
What you can make to donate:
Operation Care and Comfort assembles and ships care packages to our adopted units every month until they return home.
- Letters and Cards
- Neck Coolers
- Tissue Packets
- Patriotic Keyring Decorations
Soldiers’ Angels ensures that those who serve or have served are supported, uplifted, and remembered through a variety of support programs including making handmade items.
What you can make to donate:

Operation: Military Matters was started by 9-year-old Graci Tubbs after hearing veterans speak at her school. She felt the need to support our military by letting them know people back home cared.
What you can make to donate:
A Million Thanks sorts and sends letters to our military – active, reserve, and veterans who are serving at home, abroad, or are recovering in hospitals.
What you can make to donate:
Hugs for Soldiers brightens a soldier’s day with a care package, card or letter of encouragement so they receive the love and support for their sacrifices.
What you can make to donate:
- Paracord “Survival” Bracelets
- Letters, Coloring Pages, Cards
- Knit or Crocheted Hats and Scarfs
- Drawstring Bags
- Neck Gaiters
- Personal Care Kits
Support Our Soldiers is different from other groups in that they are in direct contact with the soldiers so they can tell us exactly what they need. This allows us to offer them help they would not be able to get any other way.
What you can make to donate:
- Letters
- Coloring Pages, Cards
- Fleece Twin Blankets
Operation Shoe Box embraces a practical mission of providing hands-on support for our troops deployed overseas and returning home.
What you can make to donate:
- Letters
- Coloring Pages, Cards
- Drawstring Bags
- Knit Hats
- Christmas Stockings
Support our Troops provides millions of dollars’ worth of goods and services that range from large scale enterprise-level container shipments to bases and battalions, down to individual soldier support.
What you can make to donate:
- Letters
- Coloring Pages, Cards
American Hero Quilts provides recognition and appreciation to our wounded service men and women who served in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
What you can make to donate:
- Quilts
