If you are like many people who enjoy sewing, after a while you develop a large stash of leftover fabric. It happens all the time; we go into the craft or fabric store and cannot resist all of the amazing new fabrics. We buy all of it with the best of intentions and then we put it in the sewing room never to be seen again. As the years pass, those fabric pieces build up and before you know it, you have more fabric than you know what to do with.
One of the best ways to use up those extra swatches of fabrics, fabric scraps, and embellishments cluttering up your sewing room is to sew some items for a charitable organization. There are many non-profit organizations all over the world that would be thrilled to receive a gift of your sewn creations. Sewing for charity allows you to spend time doing something you love and give to others less fortunate than yourself at the same time. It is also a great way to get your kids involved in charity, while also practicing a useful skill.
No matter what you sew, there is a project out there to fit your skills that you can enjoy making. For example, you might be a great quilter, stuffed toy maker, or clothing maker. Perhaps you love to sew useful household items, like blankets or pillowcases. Just about anything you might make for your friends and family, you can make for a charity organization. And, the items you sew will be greatly appreciated.
Quilts and Bedding
There are many organizations who accept quilts and other bedding items which you can sew. These organizations range from your local peace officers, to the homeless in the United States, to orphanages around the globe.
Scrap quilts, “ugly” quilts or “crazy” quilts are made from a variety of fabric scraps and are very easy to make. They can be made from virgin fabrics or from old clothing items. And, the best thing about crazy quilts is that they do not require you to have any special sewing skills. If you can simply sew two pieces of fabric together then you can make a crazy quilt.
Another simple project is making pillows and pillowcases. Both only involve being able to sew in a straight line, so it’s a great project for younger sewers. You can use existing pillows and pillowcases as patterns.
Stuffed Toys, Fabric Books, and Character Pillows
Unfortunately, there is no shortage of neglected or abused children all over the world. Thankfully, today there are many organizations that help to make trying times for children a bit easier. Often, groups such as your local police officers and fire fighters, will carry stuffed toys, fabric books, and character pillows around in the trunk of their vehicles. These items are given to children to comfort them when a tragedy happens and they need to be separated from their parents. Many children’s items are simple to make but will make such a huge difference in the life of a child.
Clothing for Adults and Children
Many people have a need for various types of clothing items which are easy to sew. Chemotherapy patients need head coverings, and premature babies often need clothing or burial items which will fit their very small bodies. Both of these are serious needs and ways in which your sewing can greatly help out other people in their times of sorrow and need.
No matter what your sewing ability, or what your economic status, you can sew for charity. Whether you make crazy quilts out of old cast-off clothing, or you make chemotherapy caps for cancer patients, your items will be cherished and appreciated for years to come. Today is the day to dig through your fabric stash and see what you could use to help others.

I am interested in making burial gowns for girls and boys. I can also make teddy bears.