Meals On Wheels is an important and impactful organization which provides meal delivery to seniors. The work they do is not only selfless, but is often a lifesaver for seniors who are unable to shop for groceries themselves or don’t have a helping hand to run errands for them regularly.
The charitable people who provide such services are like angels, who not only get these older folks the nutrition they need, but are also visitors who check in on their well-being and show up with a friendly face and a familiar smile. Many seniors are often lonely, and Meals On Wheels team members may be the only people they interact with most of the time.
Kids can be part of this process—not with the delivery, but in the details. Wouldn’t it be special if the recipients didn’t only get meals, but some added touches to let them know someone cares?
Your kids can create placemats and tray favors to liven up the dining setting, making the seniors’ meals feel more homemade and heartfelt.
Making Placemats for Meals on Wheels

You can find printables on-line for a fun and foolproof way to create DIY placemats The kids can color in the outlines and attach the paper to a firm board or a plain placemat you can get at a dollar store. For a placemat that can be used over and over with a quick cleaning, you can laminate the kids’ paintings and drawings. offers free placemat printables .
Kids can also use plain placemats and glue on appliqués or doilies. Their imagination is their guide, so get creative and make each one unique.
The seniors will appreciate the effort.
What About Making Tray Favors?

Small gifts and treasures will make the trays the seniors are served on a bit more meaningful. They’ll adore the thought that went into each favor, and likely collect them as they accumulate.
Inspiration stones are fun to make and the seniors will love the artistry and the sentiments. Kids can learn how to make them here, as well as get some inspiration to get the ball rolling. Some paint and brushes plus a few heartwarming words, and the stones go from bare to beautiful.

If you want to make a lot of favors so all the recipients get one, use our DIY free printables to make quick and easy tray favors. We have provided four different favors in four options including two ink-saving black and white versions to color. For extra time-savings, we have versions of the favors with messages already printed on them. Just your child’s signature on the back is all that is needed.
Seniors Love Handwritten Notes

Of course, any type of handmade art is a lovely gesture. Adding a simple handwritten note will make it extra special. Your child’s tender touches added to the meal delivery process will make it even better for the seniors receiving their meals. As wonderful as they’ll feel receiving these gifts, your child will be just as blessed by making the goodhearted gesture. has this free printable to make it easier for little ones to send a note.
Make Tissue Holders

Ways to Give Tissues
All you need is fabric scraps and very basic sewing skills to make these tissue holders. They can be hand sewn or machine sewn.
Make sure some of your prints match who you are donating to. Patriotic prints are a great choice for our gentleman seniors. Kids will prefer bright colors and cheerful prints.

These tissue holders from are super easy for the little ones. Just cut, fold and sew two seams.
Make a batch for nursing homes, Meals on Wheels or donate to your local shelter.
Don’t Forget About The Pets

Many seniors on fixed incomes don’t have the extra money to buy treats for their furry friends. Pets are often the only companion a shut-in has. DIY homemade treats are a tasty way to help provide for any dogs or cats recipients might have.
Make your own treats and package them with a pretty bow. Meals on wheels drivers often know if the seniors on their routes have pets or they can ask when the delivery is made.
Local Meals on Wheels chapters often need drivers. Consider volunteering your time to do deliveries. The kids can always ride along and give their gifts in person to the senior.
Find your local Meals On Wheels here.
If this is something your kids wish to explore further, Youth Squad has a free service learning program to guide children of all ages to do volunteer work including making crafts for seniors.
Collecting rewards for good deeds is fun too. Scout leaders or parents can give their participants an embroidered fun patch as a keepsake for their participation. has this Feeding the Hungry Patch at a very low price.
Hunger and isolation during the Corona Pandemic has made it necessary for many more people to subscribe to services like Meals On Wheels. Seniors who used to congregate in a main dining area are now quarantined at home and anything that puts a smile on their face helps to lower the stress level. Little things do mean a lot.
‘Every year our troop cooks a full holiday meal and delivers to one of our local women’s shelters. They make 4 turkeys, all the sides and all the fixins, then they help serve the women.
Meals on wheels is another great option for older kids to help feed those that need it!
Do you give tray favors with the meals?
We did not know about tray favors before, but we will sure be adding them next time!
Our troop has not looked into helping our local Meals On Wheels. Your article inspired us to do a little research and find out more about our local Meals On Wheels program. The girls will probably really enjoy making the pet treats to donate and making tray favors and placemats seems like a great activity to do in between the baking.