Making tray favors has been a favorite Girl Scout activity for generations, but there is no reason everyone shouldn’t get involved. Make it a family project or even a community project.
What is a tray favor?
A tray favor is a small handmade gift that is given with a meal to veterans, shut-ins, hospitalized kids or anyone who has meals delivered and often eats alone. Favors can be cards, letters, magnets, ornaments—just about anything that will brighten the recipient’s day. Many people who eat alone can be lonely and might suffer from depression. A small gesture like a tray favor could be the highlight of their day. Whether you are making just a few tray favors or a hundred, each one will be appreciated for the effort.
When making favors, don’t include messages like “Get Well Soon” or “Feel Better Soon” since you don’t know the recipient’s health situation. Below are four printables you can use. Two of the options have messages, or you can use the blank ones and write your own. All you have to do is print, cut, fold, and ask your child to add their name on the back. We have printables in color and ink-saving black and white printables. Kids can color the black and white images to add an additional personalized touch.
Where Can You Donate Your Tray Favors?
- Contact your local Meals on Wheels chapter. Most chapters gladly accept the favors to add to their meal deliveries.
- Local VA hospitals, nursing homes and pediatric wards of hospitals will also welcome handmade tray favors.