It’s never to early to introduce your children to community service. Even preschoolers can learn to give back by drawing or coloring pictures to make for our troops. According to Operation Gratitude, these pictures are cherished by the military. Here is one example of the response to a troop receiving a care package:
To the Team of Operation Gratitude…All the cards and homemade drawings from different families, children & schools are what reminds us of why we are really out here, reminds us of everyone back home in the states that are supporting us every step we take. Without all of the support from back home, it would make being away from our families and the states that much harder. So again thank you all so much for your goodies, support, and reminder of how much people back home truly care. It is greatly appreciated. K.G.
Some Ideas for Kids to Make for Our Troops
Help your children decide what to make. It should be something the children enjoy so they will learn that giving to others is fun. Choose from one of these free printables below or just give the kids some crayons and paper to create their own masterpieces.
USA Coloring Pages
Every day is a good day to honor our troops with a patriotic picture colored by little hands. has a set of three coloring pages to print.
Paper Doll “Buddies”
Another fun and free printable from Kids cut out their favorite animal paper dolls and clothing pieces then glue them on the animal bodies.
Make Patriotic Bookmarks
The kids can color these bookmarks from or you can print them in color. Add a handwritten message on the back to make them special. It’s a good idea to laminate or cover in packing tape before punching and adding yarn so they last.
Write Letters on Special Stationery
For kids who can write, a handwritten letter is always a special gift. Operation Gratitude suggests addressing your letters with “Dear Hero” or “Dear Brave One”. We’ve made a free printable to get you started.
Not sure what they should write?
We’ve got some pointers to get things started. Make sure to take a look at our “dos” and “don’ts” .
Dear Hero Notes to Color
If a big piece of paperl is too much for the little hands, these printables are just right. Kids can color the military images and write a sentence before signing their first names.
On the Lighter Side
Who doesn’t love a silly joke? Our troops will find these goofy cards irresistible. Use our printables or make your own cards.
We’ve even got 180 silly jokes if your kids need some ideas to get things started.
Where Can You Send the Letters and Cards Kids Make for Our Troops?
Operation Gratitude sends care packages that include a bundle of letters from the American people, thanking Deployed Troops for their service to our country.
Soldier’s Angels is looking for individuals to commit to writing three letters within a month. Of course more is always welcomed.
Support Our Troops collects cards and letters from groups and sends them them to deployed soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Airmen.

It is never too early to teach a child to be generous. Showing them how essential charity is and the assistance it provides to those in need would not only encourage creative thinking on how they would love to help but would make the world a better place.
Yes, and I think once they realize if feels goods to do good you have started them on a lifetime of charitable behavior.